IBM Business Automation Workflow on Cloud User/Group Synchronization with Azure AD

6 min readJan 26, 2024


Unfortunately we do not have any integration option between IBM BAW on cloud to LDAP integration like before in onprem situation. So, if we would like to sync IBM BAW on cloud LDAP with internal LDAP, we have to create a custom solution. I will explain how to do this custom implementation.

In this custom implementation we need to call BAW and Azure services to get users and groups. After we get the users and groups, we need to get difference between source and target. And then we need to create/drop users and groups and also add/remove group members.

Login to BAW And Azure Environment for Calling Services

Before we call the BAW and Azure services, we need to login (retrieve token) to BAW and Azure.

BAW Login:

First we need to do a POST request to URL below:


Azure Login:

First we need to do a POST request to URL below:

Getting Users From BAW

For getting users from BAW we need to do a GET request to URL below


IBM-CSRF-TOKEN in header is the token which we got from BPM Login request

Getting Users From Azure AD

For getting users from Azure we need to do a GET request to URL below

Authorization parameter in header is the token which we got from Azure Login request.

ID parameter in the URL is the group id for BAW all users group. We need to create a group which has the users who has access to BAW environmet. We are doing this because we do not want to check all users in the organization whether they are present in BAW or not. Because most of them (maybe) are not related with BAW.

Note: This service is paging the result. So if NextLink variable in the response is not null then it should call the NextLink Url till the NextLink parameter returns null.

Create Users in BAW

Now we have all the users (from Azure) who needs to be present in BAW. We have also all users who are already present in BAW. Now we have to take differences between Azure to BPM (to find which users we need to create) and differences between BPM to Azure (to find which users we need to delete).

Once we find the users to be added, we need to call the service below



Note: Before call this service you need to ask IBM to do the configuration below

Delete Users From BAW

We can find the removed users like below.

Once we find the users to be removed, we need to call the service below


IBM-CSRF-TOKEN in header is the token which we got from BPM Login request

Getting Groups From BAW

For getting groups we need to do a GET request to URL below


IBM-CSRF-TOKEN in header is the token which we got from BPM Login request

Getting Groups From Azure AD

For getting groups from Azure we need to do a GET request to URL below$filter=startswith(displayName,’XXXX-BPM’)

Note 1: Authorization parameter in header is the token which we got from Azure Login request

Note 2: We are sending filter parameter because we do not want to query all the groups in the organization. So before we begin, we need to create all BAW specific groups with special prefix in the display name.

Note 3: This service is paging the result. So if NextLink variable in the response is not null then it should call the NextLink Url till the NextLink parameter returns null.

Note 4: Groups can define under groups (nested groups) so we need to check if it is nested group we need to do recursive call.

Create Group In BAW

Now we have all the groups (from Azure) which needs to be present in BAW. We have also all groups which are defined in BAW. Now we have to take differences between Azure to BPM (to find which groups we need to create) and differences between BPM to Azure (to find which groups we need to delete).

Once we find the groups to be added, we need to call the service below



IBM-CSRF-TOKEN in header is the token which we got from BPM Login request

Delete Group From BAW

We can find the removed groups like below.

Once we find the groups to be removed, we need to call the service below


IBM-CSRF-TOKEN in header is the token which we got from BPM Login request

Add User to BAW Group

In this case we need to get users under groups. So if we call the service getUsers with parameter optional_parts=members it returns groups with users. So, you can take a look to Getting Groups From BAW section above.

For getting Azure group member we need to make a GET request to service below

Note : This service is paging the result. So if NextLink variable in the response is not null then it should call the NextLink Url till the NextLink parameter returns null.

Once we have all the groups with member for BAW and Azure. Now we need to find the groups which we have to add to BAW

We need to make a POST request to URL below



IBM-CSRF-TOKEN in header is the token which we got from BPM Login request

Remove User From BAW Group

We can find the removed group members like below.

Once we find the users to be removed from group, we need to call the service below



IBM-CSRF-TOKEN in header is the token which we got from BPM Login request


As a result we can do a integration between internal LDAP to IBM BAW on cloud by using a custom solution. Once we created this solution, we can schecudale it to execute once(or more) a day to synchronize all the users, groups and also group members.


